| 1. | Notice of objection application for revision of assessment 反对申请修订评税 |
| 2. | Notice of objection to a proposed interim valuation 就建议临时估价而提交的反对通知书 |
| 3. | Submission of notice of objection electronically 以电子方式递交反对通知书 |
| 4. | Advice of notice of objection 反对登记通知书 |
| 5. | A taxpayer who disputes an assessment must lodge a notice of objection in writing stating precisely the grounds of the objection 如对评税感到不满,可以书面清楚确实说明反对的理由。本局设有 |
| 6. | Submission of notice of objection electronically submission by electronic means such as through internet e - mail is acceptable 本局亦接受以电子方式例如通过互联网电子邮件所提交的反对通知书。 |
| 7. | The time limit for lodging a notice of objection and the deadline for applying holdover of provisional tax are also shown 评税通知书亦会列明提出反对通知的期限及申请暂缓缴付暂缴税的最后日期。 |
| 8. | Please read the explanatory notes before completing a notice of objection and notice of claim as attached in the respective form 请注意:填写反对通知书及申索通知书的指明表格前,请详阅附录于各表格的填写须知; |
| 9. | Please read the explanatory notes before completing a notice of objection and notice of claim as attached in the respective form 请注意:填写反对通知书及申索通知书的指明表格前,请详阅附录于各表格的填写须知。 |
| 10. | Please provide the reasons preventing you from lodging the objection within one month after the date of the notice of assessment in your notice of objection or ir831 in case late objection 纳税人如逾期提交反对,请于反对通知书或ir831表格内,提供未能在评税通知书发出日起计1个月内提交反对通知书的原因,供本局考虑。 |